About Events

Script code is contained within an HTML SCRIPT element, and there can be one or more SCRIPT elements in an HTML file. The code is organized in functions and subroutines within the element. These procedures can be executed by an explicit call or triggered when a specific event occurs, such as when a button is clicked.

By default, Excel workbooks, PowerPoint presentations, and Word documents saved as Web pages support the events associated with the WINDOW element. FrontPage Web pages also support the WINDOW element and its events. Access data access pages contain more client objects by default, and their corresponding events are all available for scripting. As you add elements to a Web page, those elements and their corresponding events become available to script in the Microsoft Script Editor.

When you load a Web page in the Microsoft Script Editor, you can use the Document Outline window or the Object and Event boxes in HTML view to create or modify scripts for events supported by the elements in the active HTML file.